Select any year to see the full list of issues:
Volume 51/1 - February 2024: What is a woman?
Volume 51/2 - March 2024: Haggai, the Prophet: A man for our times
Volume 51/3 - April 2024: Worship: Expectation, Privilege, Necessity, Blessing!
Volume 51/4 - May 2024: Discipling the young
Volume 51/5 - June 2024: Conversion therapy and the Gospel
Volume 51/6 - July 2024: Profession of Faith
Volume 51/7 - August 2024: Hospitality: Entertaining angels?
Volume 51/8 - September 2024: 16th Century Influencers
Volume 51/9 - October 2024: Reformed Churches Wherefore & Why?
Volume 50/11 - December 2023: Graceful Conflict
Volume 50/10 - November 2023: Conditional or Unconditional Forgiveness?
Volume 50/09 - October 2023: Shepherding the flock
Volume 50/08 - September 2023: Schooling on the mission field
Volume 50/07 - August 2023: Judges - Lessons for todays church
Volume 50/06 - July 2023: Celebrating God's faithfullness
Volume 50/05 - June 2023: Under Authority, but whose?
Volume 50/04 - May 2023: Infertility
Volume 50/03 - April 2023: Reformed by Culture or Conviction?
Volume 50/02 - March 2023: Genesis - Foundational truths for salvation and for our world
Volume 49/11 - December 2022: A world turned upside down
Volume 49/10 - November 2022: Christians and Science
Volume 49/9 - October 2022: Christian Character: Growing in Godliness
Volume 49/8 - September 2022: The Jonah Problem
Volume 49/7 - August 2022: Reformation and Revival?
Volume 49/6 - July 2022: Thinking Christianity
Volume 49/5 - June 2022: Christian Education
Volume 49/4 - May 2022: Our Sovereign Glorious God
Volume 49/3 - April 2022: Biblical Counselling
Volume 48/11 - December 2021: Gardens and Gardeners
Volume 48/10 - November 2021: Prayer, pleading, persistence, persevering
Volume 48/9 - October 2021: Christ and the City
Volume 48/8 - September 2021: The Internet at Home: How to set the right boundaries
Volume 48/7 - August 2021: Biblical Stewardship and the Environment
Volume 48/6 - July 2021: Solus Christus - Christ Alone
Volume 48/5 - June 2021: Time & Eternity
Volume 48/4 - May 2021: From Paddock To Plate
Volume 48/3 - April 2021: Always Telling The Truth
Volume 48/2 - March 2021: C. S. Lewis and his enduring contribution
Volume 48/1 - February 2021: Analyzing the spirit of the age
Volume 47/11 - December 2020: A Time To Refrain From Embracing
Volume 47/10 - November 2020: Did You Hear?
Volume 47/9 - October 2020: Is The Age Of Reading Books Over?
Volume 47/8 - September 2020: Christian Leadership
Volume 47/7 - August 2020: The Sin Of Gluttony In An Age Of Obesity
Volume 47/6 - July 2020: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
Volume 47/5 - June 2020: Church Discipline
Volume 47/4 - May 2020: The Church In China
Volume 47/3 - April 2020: Once Upon A Time
Volume 46/1 - February 2019: Moses, the Lawgiver
Volume 46/2 - March 2019: Stand Up and Serve
Volume 46/3 - April 2019: The Law in our Liturgy
Volume 46/4 - May 2019: Why we have Confessions
Volume 46/5 - June 2019: Engaging with Cults, Sects and False Religion
Volume 46/6 - July 2019: Small Group Bible Studies
Volume 46/7 - August 2019: Finishing Our Course With Joy
Volume 46/8 - September 2019: Serving Christ in Childhood
Volume 46/9 - October 2019: 20th Century New Zealand Christians we should know about
Volume 45/1 - February 2018: The Importance of Friendship
Volume 45/2 - March 2018: The Hezekiah response
Volume 45/3 - April 2018: The Puritans at Home
Volume 45/4 - May 2018: Isaiah the Prophet
Volume 45/5 - June 2018: What Makes for a Truly Good Samaritan?
Volume 45/6 - July 2018: Discernment
Volume 45/7 - August 2018: Unity, Liberty, Charity
Volume 45/8 - September 2018: Apologetics, Evangelism and the University Student
Volume 45/9 - October 2018: Running a Better Race
Volume 45/10 - November 2018: The Psalms: More than a Songbook
Volume 44/1 - February 2017: Election and Assurance - Comfort for the Saints
Volume 44/2 - March 2017: Evangelism and the Local Church
Volume 44/3 - April 2017: The Ministry of Correspondence
Volume 44/4 - May 2017: Fantasy Literature: Why is it so Important?
Volume 44/5 - June 2017: Caring for our Elderly
Volume 44/6 - July 2017: I Spread my Wings and....
Volume 44/7 - August 2017: Luke the Physician
Volume 44/8 - September 2017: Should we be Afraid?
Volume 44/9 - October 2017: 500 Years of Reformation
Volume 44/10 - November 2017: Bringing Christ to the Workplace
Volume 43/1 - February 2016: David - A Man after Gods own Heart
Volume 43/2 - March 2016: Stay Informed; Read Books
Volume 43/3 - April 2016: Oh Death, where is your sting?
Volume 43/4 - May 2016: The Battle for the Bible - The Creation Battlefront
Volume 43/5 - June 2016: Rebirth - The Essential Inner Transaction
Volume 43/6 - July 2016: Who are We?
Volume 43/7 - August 2016: Gods Providence - Wonderfully Mysterious
Volume 43/8 - September 2016: The Liberal Arts add Value
Volume 43/9 - October 2016: Who were the Puritans?
Volume 43/10 - November 2016: What was so noble about the Bereans?
Volume 42/1 - February 2015: The Southern Presbyterians
Volume 42/2 - March 2015: Can We Understand Revelation?
Volume 42/3 - April 2015: Cancer - Suffering in the Light of the Gospel
Volume 42/4 - May 2015: Redeeming the Time
Volume 42/5 - June 2015: Living the Biblical Life
Volume 42/6 - July 2015: To the Ends of the Earth
Volume 42/7 - August 2015: Putting Sin to Death
Volume 42/8 - September 2015: Spiritual Gifts
Volume 42/9 - October 2015: Who were the Puritans?
Volume 42/10 - November 2015: Wanted - Mature Young Men
Volume 42/11 - December 2015: Ecumenical Relations - Are they Fruitful?
Volume 41/1 - February 2014: Priorities for the Christian in Business
Volume 41/2 - March 2014: Fear, Flight, or Fury
Volume 42/3 - April 2014: You Mustn't Judge!
Volume 42/4 - May 2014: Helping the Needy
Volume 42/5 - June 2014: How best to learn from the internet today
Volume 42/6 - July 2014: Lessons from the Past
Volume 42/7 - August 2014: Work out your own Salvation?
Volume 42/8 - September 2014: The Relevance of the Creeds
Volume 42/9 - October 2014: Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet
Volume 40/1 - February 2013: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Volume 40/2 - March 2013: The Lords Day - Burden or Joy
Volume 40/3 - April 2013: Cancer - Suffering in the Light of the Gospel
Volume 40/4 - May 2013: The Psalm 15 Man
Volume 40/5 - June 2013: The Christian and the Professions
Volume 40/6 - July 2013: To the Ends of the Earth
Volume 40/7 - August 2013: Pilgrims and Strangers in this World
Volume 40/8 - September 2013: Church History should never be boring
Volume 40/9 - October 2013: Working with your hands
Volume 40/10 - November 2013: The Golden years of Israel - Solomon in his Glory
Volume 39/1 - February 2012: Appoint Mature Men
Volume 39/2 - March 2012: Amusing ourselves to death? The Christian and leisure?
Volume 39/3 - April 2012: Cancer - The small group Bible Study
Volume 39/4 - May 2012: Mastering the media for spiritual good
Volume 39/5 - June 2012: Money matters
Volume 39/6 - July 2012: Profiting from trials
Volume 39/7 - August 2012: My Home, my castle...?
Volume 39/8 - September 2012: Defending the defenceless
Volume 39/9 - October 2012: How shall the young direct their way?
Volume 39/10 - November 2012: Making disciples
Volume 39/11 - December 2012: Caring for the works of their hands
Volume 38/1 - February 2011: Federal vision - Another destructive error
Volume 38/2 - March 2011: Helping the ordinary Kiwi bloke
Volume 38/3 - April 2011: Prayer - Our relationship with God
Volume 38/4 - May 2011: Ethics - The moral maze
Volume 38/5 - June 2011: Reading spiritual biography
Volume 38/6 - July 2011: Growing older, with grace
Volume 38/7 - August 2011: Family Life
Volume 38/8 - September 2011: Singing hymns for Gods praise
Volume 38/9 - October 2011: Spiritual Barometer - How is my walk with Christ?
Volume 37/1 - February 2010: RCNZ - Our Place of Worship
Volume 37/2 - March 2010: Sharing the Good News
Volume 37/3 - April 2010: Cancer - Working and Calling: Some things to consider
Volume 37/4 - May 2010: John Calvin: Theologian, Pastor, teacher, Writer
Volume 37/5 - June 2010: New Zealand's early Christian heritage
Volume 37/6 - July 2010: Suffering - How can I help?
Volume 37/7 - August 2010: Remember your creator in the days of your youth
Volume 37/8 - September 2010: The creative arts - Gods blessing to man
Volume 37/9 - October 2010: Government, law and order
Volume 37/10 - November 2010: Writers who have helped shape my thinking